GoWest is a travel planner for Västtrafik. You can search for journeys or next departures by bus, tram, boat and train. GoWest use a simple and clean user interface to speed up and ease your travel planning. Your search history is saved and you have the possibility to save your most used stops as favorites.
With real time information ( Västtrafik only support this for Gothenburg , Skövde and Borås ) you will get a more accurate plan for your travels.
Some of the features in GoWest - Västtrafik are:
• Search nearby stops and the possibility to show them on map so you can easily navigate yourself to find them.
• Searching a trip will show you both real time (if available) and the scheduled time of both departures and arrivals
• The possibility to show the searched route on a map with all stops and the path of the trip drawn on the map
• Search next departures from a stop to get faster access to departures.
• You can also set a reminder so you do not miss the departure
• Share a journey via sms, mail etc
Widget ( next departure for Västtrafik )
GoWest also provide you with a widget which shows you real time information about a saved route. The widget lets you swap the route direction so you can use the same widget both ways. For example if you choose a route from your home to where you go to school you can change the direction to show you the next trips from your school to your home.
The widget also lets you open the same route search-window as the application use so you can get a more detailed list of a route and show it on a map.
GoWest use Västtrafik API to retrieve data. Every time you search for stops or journeys Västtrafik is contacted.
I will be very grateful for any feedback you can give! Please send all your views and ideas to gowest.vasttrafik@gmail.com
* Your location
- Needed to be able to search closest stops and show your position on the map
* Network communication
- Needed to be able to retrieve data from Västtrafik
* System tools
- Used to be able to vibrate phone when reminder is on and phone sound is turned off
- To be able to reset the reminders when phone has been restarted</br></br></br></br></br></br>